Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hi Erin

What's going on, Honey?  Is life hectic for you?  Well, I hope you are having a great time.  I pray that things come easily for you, and your emotions are nice and calm.  It's Sunday here today.  I woke up late this morning which sucks, because Sunday is a busy day for me.  So everything was go go go from the get go.  I ate out for dinner.  I went to McDonald's, and had my usual Big Mac and vanilla cone.
Instead of Heinz's ketchup, they give out these packets:
I can't find Heinz's ketchup in this town.  There are other brands of ketchup though.  Would you like something from McDonald's?

Yes Natty, that is a beautiful rainbow and you are as beautiful as the rainbow.  I'm trying to figure out what you have in your left hand.  It looks like you are about to eat the tassel from a graduation cap.