Saturday, April 25, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150426

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Melancholy Baby.  Is that how you feel right now?  No, you've cheered up a little by now.  Sigh.  Well, I don't want you to be unhappy.  Because since you are in a high position, it affects the rest of us as well.  I want you to know that I have chosen to marry YOU, and I'm not about to go back on my decision easily.  This is because I love you, and I need you.  I need you to be my Queen, and to carry yourself as so with due dignity.  I wish I could buy you something to cheer you up, even if it were just a trinket.  If you were here, I would.

Grass grows so fast here, it's like I'm always cutting grass.  Today, I cut the grass over at your house inshaAllah.  It's a big area, and the growth is always thick with many rocks and stumps, so I can't do it all in one go.  It takes me 3 passes, therefore 3 different days.  I bought a huge compound for your house in Sims 3!  I had to cheat to get the money, but it's just a game and there's no other way.  Besides, my purpose is to design your house, not to play the game for the game's sake.  Why am I feeling so guilty?  I wish it were this simple in real life.  It's going to take me a long time before I have anything worthwhile to show you, so please don't anticipate it!

Floofy is so fat.  I tried to put her on a diet, but it doesn't seem to affect her.  It's as if she never lost her pregnancy fat.  Right now she's in my bedroom: she's the only one allowed in my bedroom because she's the most well-behaved of the bunch.  Which means she is the least likely to destroy something, make a mess, or commit the 3 dreaded P's (pee, poop, or puke) in my bedroom.  But she's still very active: running, jumping and climbing around all over the compound.  Even though her momentum is great, that she can't come to a sudden stop without doing a little sliding around.  Which goes to prove that one can be athletic, but fat.  A linebacker can be fat, but I don't want to have sex with a linebacker.  And Floofy?  She's a fat cat.