Thursday, July 22, 2021

Fixing a hole


Hi Natty!  How are today, Sweetheart?  Keeping calm and cool?  You're so cool!  That's why I love you so.  Oh, I'm tired!  I just spent the evening fixing a hole in my bathroom.  I had to do a little hammering in the wall.  Actually, I had to do a lot of hammering in the wall.  Well, it's not as fun as playing the drums.  I couldn't even keep a rhythm because my position was awkward.  The human body is quite awkward, unless you happen to be a contortionist.  I bet it would have been easy for you since you're a yoga guru, huh!  But I got it done, alhamdulillah.  I'm pretty beat though.  I didn't have time to cook dinner.  Fried noodles was on the menu, but I had to scrap that and just eat the roast beef I made the other day cold.  It was like eating beef jerky while riding a horse.  I'm a cowboy!  Yeehaw!  And you're my cowgirl.