Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Qur'an 20171101

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

53.  Say, "O servants who have transgressed against their souls!  Despair not the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins, for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

The crowds 39:53


That was a fun post the last time, huh?  Certainly being an adult isn't very funny, so we have to get our humor whenever and wherever.  Doing endorsements is just one aspect of my business diversity, and the beauty of it is that I can endorse whatever, as long as I believe in it inshaAllah.  Of course I have been doing endorsements for a long time now along with other things, so inshaAllah everything will pile up and compound together in a payoff for me, perhaps I will attain wealth enough to marry.  At least at this point people have stopped trying to kill me so that they don't have to owe me anything, alhamdulillah.  For the most part, that is.  Not that I have ever asked them for anything.  I ask Allah.  So don't give up on us, baby.  Observe, and strengthen your heart.  Allah will bring us together inshaAllah, so have faith.

Other projects this month are pizza and sushi.  The pizza ingredients were easy enough to gather.  But there's a new sushi restaurant opening in town, and this one is straight from Japan believe it or not.  Out here in the sticks!  And suddenly, I can't find seaweed sheets anywhere.  Hm.  I guess this means I have to design boutique sushi rolls not even the Japanese have ever thought of.  InshaAllah.  That's the story of my life, doing the best I can with what Allah has given me.

Hey Natty, you beautiful girl!  What's up, Sweetie?  I'm sure you are over Halloween by now, it's just an excuse to dress up and party.  Well, try to rest while you have the chance.  Partying is work too, so please don't overwork.  Stay clean, safe and healthy.