Thursday, April 23, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150424

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  Sweetie!  And how are you feeling today?  There's nothing much going on.  Just another mundane day.  I took Bat Cat III to the vet this morning.  There seems to be something growing on his earlobes.  It's been so wet lately, I'm guessing he needs an antifungal shot.  At the vet, I saw an interesting poster: the vet now has a dress code!  Would you believe that?  All male visitors must wear a long sleeved shirt, long pants, and no open toe sandals.  Next thing you know, they'll have me wear an ascot and a smoking jacket with pointy yellow shoes!  Do I have to make Batty Watty wear a tie for him to get an anti worm shot?

I tried to make a chocolate bar this evening.  As you know, I can't find cocoa butter anywhere in this town.  So I had to use generic cooking chocolate.  Cooking chocolate tastes greasy, and when I heated it up on the double boiler, there seemed to be a lot of grease pooling.  I had plenty of powdered milk and powdered malt, so I mixed that in there to the best of my ability.  So it does taste better than cooking chocolate, now it's cooling in the cooler.  It's not particularly what I want, even though it tastes OK.  Where can I find cocoa butter in this town?

Erin, I pray you are taking good care of yourself, maintaining your prayers and staying healthy.  Please know that I love you, and I need you.