Hello Grace. How are you feeling? I hope you will feel better. Try to relax and enjoy life, Grace.
Let's talk about your next benefit concert. Like I said before, we need guns to fight guns. Plus there are so many hypocrites to deal with. We could be hypocrites, too. You know that little bit of strength that fights the urge to be like them? That is from God. After the Sandy Hook shooting, celebrities got together in something called "Demand a Plan", which completely fizzled out. Hypocrites don't have the stamina to be righteous, so leave them to rot in their weakness. However, Matthew McConaughey was aware of what was not gun control, but the funding for safer schools. "Safer schools" isn't "gun control" and that made a huge difference, so the fund became reality. Matthew's challenge is that nobody claims the funds, as you can see in the interview below.
Yeah, kind of like my "school as prison" rant a few weeks ago. Whatever. You must invite Matthew McConaughey to be the guest of honor of your next benefit concert. Then make a big noise about it and who knows, it might turn into common sense gun laws. We are musicians, that's what we do. We make noise. So here's the plan:
1. Set up the next benefit concert, even if it be only the you and the Hodge Podge playing.
2. Secure Matthew McConaughey's commitment to speak (or perform) at the show.
3. Only after Matthew is confirmed do you start inviting your other friends, giving preference to the sincere ones.