Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Qur'an 20181003

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

189.  They ask you concerning the new moons.  Say, "They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in men and for the Hajj."  It is no virtue if you enter your houses from the back: it is virtue if you fear God.  Enter houses through the proper doors, and fear Allah, that you may prosper.

(The Heifer 1:189)

"No spending" day

Hi Natty honey!  How are you today, my beautiful young lady?  How's school?  You don't share your college experience with us.  I would love to hear about your studies.  Anyway, I hope you are having a great time, and everything is going smoothly for you.  The weather here has cooled down, since it rained last night, thank God.  In an effort to save money by not wasting it on vanities, I have implemented a "no spending" day upon myself today.  I eat what I have in the cooler.  If I have bills to pay, I pay them some other day.  I didn't spend any gasoline either by staying at home, just working in the kitchen, on the computer, or in the yard, and enjoying the company of my lovely cats.  I did do a lot of kitchen work in the morning.  I made more of that coconut alfredo sauce, thinned out this time, then put it in the freezer for future use.  I worked on some curry pup stuffing: I had some potatoes boiled, cubed them up then mixed them with fried onions and curry leaves.  Lunch was steamed rice with pepper steak, just wonderful!  And for dinner, I fried up the rest of the boiled potatoes, and finished off the pack of hot dogs I bought the other day.  And there you go.  "No spending" day.  When's the last time you went through the day without spending any money?  How often do you do so?