Sunday, May 27, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120528

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!  It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV!!!!  But why?  I don't know!  I do know that I get to see my sweetie!  Hi Sweetie!  You're so beautiful!  I love you so much! 

Oooo that storm yesterday that came from the west completely mauled my red hot chilli pepper patch, and the green ones too.  It was growing so beautifully, too.  My okras are down as well, I'm going to have to try straighten them up.  Sigh.  I'll just have to buy my peppers for my pepper steak.