Friday, September 14, 2018

Pepper steak and rice

Hi Natty honey!  How's it going with you today, Princess?  Are you having tons of fun, and sampling all sorts of delicious viands served at your convenience?  It must be nice.  Oho!  I get the sensation that you don't like any of the food I prepared this week with all my toil and sweat.  Well, I don't particularly like not having money to buy nice ingredients.  If I could afford quality ingredients, then I would truly eat like a king everyday, but instead I have to make do with what's in the cooler and try to make gourmet cuisine out of that.  Filling food that I am able to eat, that is.  Don't worry Honey, I won't be feeding you and the kids with what I have to eat now inshaAllah- being afford to marry you also means being afford to feed you properly.  Does that sound fair?  Although the pepper steak and rice I had just now was totally awesome.  Sorry, no snapshots.  It's a shame if you don't like steak.  Plus the home made dough is quite good too.  What kind of wife doesn't like dough... that's OK!  I can keep the dough all to myself if you don't want it!  Nah... I think I know what's best to feed you and the kids.  Especially if you consider ourselves normal folk, and have to eat on a budget.

It's the season for sweater dresses!  Why are sweater dresses so sexy?