Thursday, April 14, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160415

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I suppose you're thinking that you have to work harder, but that's wrong.  You need to relax and enjoy your success.  I'm not talking about celebrating and partying.  I'm talking about slamming on the brakes and slowing down.  Give your heart a break.  Hang on to your heart.  Hang on to yourself.  Work when you need to, and take your time.

Looks like I'm going to need a new wallpaper, so I'm going to pick one up at your Instagram page.  I like a black background, because it's easy on my eyes and monitor.  None of that naked stuff.  I prefer to with you in person when you're naked, so I can reach out and grab you and play doctor.  But for a wallpaper, do you have something artistic and moody with you in a purple dress and maybe a hummingbird in torpor perched on a willow with a full moon in the background?  Do you have that on your page?

I spent the evening with my trusty old weed whacker, cutting all the saplings growing at your house inshaAllah.  There must have been thousands of them, generated when I took down all the big trees growing on the west border,  The area is also inundated with hundreds of creepers, climbing over all the deadwood.  I need to go back there with the chainsaw and break things down properly so it would be easier to cut all those creepers.  What a nuisance.  Maybe I should just poison them all.

I made a batch of dough for my Mom this morning.  She let me have half the batch, so that's 4 small dough balls for my Mom and 2 large dough balls for me.  I may be a chick singer, but I need man-sized portions.  I think it's great that you're learning how to cook.  I'm a tyrant when it comes to cooking, I only like it my way, because I don't know any other way.  Over 30 years of feeding myself.  Lunch was noodles in soup as usual.  This time it's flat noodles in a thin broth, with egg drop.  Siamese hot sour soup, known here as Tom Yam.  Hey, come on over and share my food with me.  I love you and I need you.