Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130829

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

They say that lonely people love cats.  Well, I'm lonely without my Julia, and I have 5 cats.  Do you know them?

Highest in rank is Chee Cheah.  She's been with me for 5 years already, and she kind looks like my Dad.  She's a Siamese cat look alike, and she's about 10 years old, according to the estimate my Mom gives me.  She pretty much shared the same suffering I did since I returned to Malaysia, and now she rules the house.  She only eats the best cat food, and I won't let her leave the house at night anymore.  The law of the house to all cats here is "Don't bug Chee Cheah".  Or they get kicked out.

Next in seniority is Bat Cat.  I first met him 2 Ramadans ago when he was a tiny kitten wandering the road crying during school rush hour, so I called him over to me, and he's been with me since.  He's a black and white tom cat, and he's become strong and beautiful.  He looks like a black and white feline Rottweiler.  I feed him only fresh fish, and low salt cat food, because he's a working cat.  And how rare is that?  He's the only mouse killer here, so mice avoid my house as long as he's home.  He's also the only male cat at my parents' house (where my brother lives with his cats), and at Casa de Julia inshaAllah.  So he has quite a harem to choose from.

Last Ramadan somebody dumped little Fluffy Ramadan on my porch.  She's a blond and white long-haired calico.  She was a hammered little kitty, covered in fungus, lost most of her whiskers, and very depressed.  She's improved a lot since then, she's so sweet, energetic, she follows me all the time, and she always waits for me.  Isn't that cute?  She still has some stubborn fleas though.

When I moved into this little house, my brother left 4 cats here, who I named Scruffy, Scrawny, Frick and Frack.  They were not my cats, so I only fed them.  The males have died since then, so only the twins Frick and Frack are left.  Frick is that drug addict cat I told you about.  She somehow acquired a mouth injury, so I have to feed her drugs daily to control the swelling, otherwise she would be salivating uncontrollably, and would be unable to eat.  Both Frick and Frack are grey short-haired striped cats, but Frick has darkened to a brown since her illness.  I decided to rename her Slobberina Droolsella.  Yeah, it could be a demeaning name, but she's a cat.  The name endears her to me, and anything endearing is good when it comes to Slobby.

I also gave Frack a new name: Simper.  It's because of the way she smiles.  I never paid much attention to the cats my brother left other than to feed them, but somehow Simper has become very beautiful.  Her coat has become bright and shiny.  How is that possible?  To be unloved, yet become beautiful?

Anyway my Julia, please try to be focused when you pray.  If you are 100% focused when you pray, and can understand every word, that already makes you better than me and most other Muslims.