Saturday, June 20, 2020

Tomato puree

Hi there Natty!  How are you, my love?  I hope you are healthy and having a fabulous time.  I have another pot of beans slow cooking on my stove top right now.  Yeah, I have to declare the last batch of chili I made a failure.  I don't usually put tomato puree or paste in my chili, but last time I did and it gave me severe heartburn.  It tasted so normal though, but after 4 hours the heartburn crept up.  The strange thing is when I used that same tomato puree in spaghetti sauce, my stomach had no problem with it.  So it made me wonder that, did all the chili I ate throughout my life give me heartburn because of the tomato paste?  Do people in general get heartburn from eating chili because of the tomato paste?  I can only speculate about that.  What I do know is when I made chili without tomato paste, I didn't get heartburn.  No matter how hot and spicy it was.  This batch of chili is going to be experimental though, so we'll see how my tummy reacts.  I'm putting local flavors in it, like bitter bean hot sauce and mixed curry that I bought from the corner restaurant.