Friday, October 4, 2024



Honey, you are awfully cute.  Please don't ever lose that cuteness.  Cute and dirty.  You might not be clean, but that black outfit by Dick and Skip is nice.  Now that I've taken a second look at it, it's not your size.  Slightly baggier, or it could be the boots.  Boots with skinny heels would have worked better.  Rats!  My washer broke down!

As for Rock, I say it's yes and no.  Either it never died, or it's the living dead.  It's always been many genres lumped into one, including Rock.  Led Zeppelin could be Country music sometimes.  "Going to California" sounds like Folk music to me.  I look forward to your take on it.  What nobody has done right yet in Rock is to branch into Techno.  That's because when you add heavy guitars to Techno drums and bass, it becomes Metal.  Or when you add delay, it turns into U2.  If you wanted to make them dance Honey, put guitar to Techno without losing the Techno.  It would also put you in the video game market.