Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hello beautiful Erin

How are you feeling, my dearest Sweetheart?  I hope the holidays are going absolutely great for you, and that you are having a grand old time.  You are my love, you are so beautiful to me and I love you with all my heart.

Usually, I spend about 500 Mbytes a day on the Internet, maybe twice that if I'm busy.  I try to be frugal with data because I have a data cap, plus I have other stuff to do besides sit in front of the computer all day.  I always go to dance, chat, and play dolly with myself, then I take snapshots.   Today, I had to attend a party, the 10th anniversary celebration of the disco I always go to.  And it was crowded.  The more avatars that are there, the more data I use up, and I have a data cap.  Plus, everything slows down.  It's like joining a hose that's a foot in diameter to a hose that's half an inch in diameter: although the water pressure is tremendous, it only comes out as a trickle assuming the hose doesn't burst.   So I was there, but couldn't do anything.  I couldn't dance, I couldn't chat, I couldn't take snapshots, and I used up 3 Gbytes in less than 90 minutes.  So, no fashion show today.

Good girl, Natty.  You are very resilient, so please know that.  The heartache dissipates eventually, I promise you, so hang in there.