Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111124


Oh dearest Julia my beloved beauty, I've suddenly got the sniffles. **sniffle** It also seems like I might have to take Chee Cheah in for another antifungal shot. Seems like she's gained some weight, as well. She was once a dainty litlle kitty, I must have spoiled her too much. It's been raining almost non stop for the past 3 days, but there was anough of a break for me to write yesterday's letter. And today's letter, obviously.

Perhaps you wonder why skeptics remain skeptics despite all the Signs of God that are obvious to people of faith. All populations will be destroyed before Judgement Day, that is certain. God only sends Signs by way of fear, but it only increases their transgression. Then God refrains from sending Signs because they were treated as false. The only thing left is for the people to get wiped out by God. You've seen the ruins of cities, haven't you?