Friday, March 13, 2020


Hi Natty!  How are you?  Are you waiting for me, or are you just bored?  It's a good thing to be bored right now.  I hope everything is easy going for you at this time.  I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and don't you worry about a thing because everything is going to work out just great for us inshaAllah.  OK?  It's Friday over here for me.  It doesn't feel like Friday, because the local government cancelled Friday prayers to help slow down Covid-19.  But at least Mary Unknown7 didn't have to wait for me to get back from the mosque and unlock the door so she could into the office.  Thus she actually had some time to warm up today before her session.  I cut the grass in the evening, so I'm a wee bit tired.  I had Spanish mackerel sashimi again for lunch today ( I had 2 fish), and cheeseburgers on pita bread for dinner.  I would call it an uneventful day for me with no complaints except that I had to do labor.  Ugh!  I just want to stay on the computer!  I love computer work!  But alhamdulillah.