Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150604

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

"Loving you is easy because you're beautiful".  Sweet Erin, you are certainly beautiful.  You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  Because you are MY girl, and I love you very much.  I can't sing like Minnie Riperton, though.  More accurately, I can't squeal like Minnie Riperton.  Those high notes!  Reaching those notes (which is impossible for me) would put my voice out of action for at least a day.  Would you say that Minnie Riperton is the most feminine singer ever?  Well, she can sing very high notes, does that make a singer feminine?  Did you know she died of breast cancer?  I think she was only 30 years old.

My right ear is plugged up with wax, so I thought I'd go to the government clinic to have them clean it out.  But the place was packed with people, and I sat there waiting for almost 2 hours, and I never got to see an intern.  I had to go (I'm on a schedule, you know), so I went to the pharmacy and bought some ear drops.  But somebody at the clinic gave me the sniffles!  **sniffle**  It is the rainy season after all.  I was able to sing somewhat OK, though.  Damn, I left my card there!  I stopped at the market, might as well you know.  I was pleased to discover there was a stack of chicken wings!  So I bought 2 kilos.  I'm craving chicken wings, but I might have to put it off and see what these sniffles do to me.  **sniffle**  Besides, I need to make chicken wing sauce first. 

Last night, I never got around to loafing around.  I got caught up making chocolate because as you know, I didn't have any snacks so I was drawn to the chocolate.  When I left the chocolate last, it still tasted of cooking chocolate so I worked on removing the oil they put in there.  My technique worked but not perfectly, because I could still taste that oil even though it's very slight.  Plus I put too much milk powder, so it turned out crumbly.  Still snappy, but crumbly.  Does that make sense?  One more treatment should make the chocolate tasty, but now I have too many steps so when I start over again, I'm going to have to remove the oil first before adding other stuff.  **sniffle**

You are certainly beautiful, my beloved Erin.  But you do me no favors by embracing Islam.  You are not the One Who saved my life, and saved my life over and over again.  Rather, Allah conferred a favor upon you by guiding you to the faith.  While you have intelligence and wisdom in your youth, there is still much you need to accept (not understand) before you truly understand.  I love you, and I need you.

Qur'an 20150604

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

14.  The Arabs say, "We believe."  Say, "You have no faith, but you say, 'We have submitted our wills to God,' for not yet has faith entered your hearts.  But if you obey Allah and God's messenger, God will not belittle aught of your deeds, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

15.  Only those are believers who have believed in Allah and God's messenger and have never since doubted, but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah: such are the sincere ones.

16.  Say, "What!  Will you instruct Allah about your religion?  But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: God has Full Knowledge of all things."

17.  They impress on you as a favor that they have embraced Islam.  Say, "Count not your Islam as a favor upon me.  No, Allah has conferred a favor upon you, that God has guided you to the faith, if you be true and sincere."

18.  Verily Allah Knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and Allah sees well all that you do.

The Inner Apartments 49:14-18

You have no faith, but you say, "We have submitted our wills to God," for not yet has faith entered your hearts.  But if you obey Allah and God's messenger, God will not belittle aught of your deeds, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

What!  Will you instruct Allah about your religion?  But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: God has Full Knowledge of all things.

Count not your Islam as a favor upon me.  No, Allah has conferred a favor upon you, that God has guided you to the faith, if you be true and sincere.