Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130220

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.


Hey there Julia, my dearest.  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  I went to the dentist yesterday, I'm sure you noticed that.  Hm, I lost a day somehow.  I seem to do that frequently.  It's all the same day anyway, and I'm here waiting for you, and the rest of my life and afterlife to start.  In love and happiness.  InsyaAllah.

I'm watching "This is Spinal Tap" right now.  What an old movie!  I was living in the Aida House in Salt Lake City when I first saw this movie.  What chaotic days!  The Aida House was damn popular those days.  I don't know how that popularity happened, because I was totally clueless back then.  Anyway, Spinal Tap was a parody band, but they had awesome equipment.  I envy them that!