Saturday, October 7, 2017

Aw Erin

How are you feeling, Honey?  I want you to know that I love you so much, and I long with all my heart to be with you.  I will always love you, my beautiful Erin.  Everything will come together for us inshaAllah, so please be patient.  Can't you tell the world is shaping itself around us?  I won't abandon you my dearest, I promise.  It's just a matter of time inshaAllah.  Meanwhile, be the heart of America that you are, and enjoy it.  For you are so precious and beautiful.  I will be on Second Life again everyday in the morning inshaAllah, so please IM me.  Right now I won't be at the chat room, because I will be working on my wardrobe.  My username is unknown7.  We can talk, but first you will have to convince me that you're you.  After that, I'll just give you my email.  Talk to me Honey, I'm always here for you.

Congratulations Natty, on your Harper's cover.  You probably thought you would finally get some rest, but I guess when it rains, it pours.  Don't you ever feel restricted or frustrated.  Don't ever despair, there's nothing to despair about.  You are at the top of the world, and I am with you.  You are probably still really busy, so try to focus on rest whenever you can.  Take plenty of naps.