Sunday, September 8, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130909

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Julia, my darling!  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling AWESOME.  Today is Monday, and I'm here to blog my love for you.  I love you, Julia.  I'll probably visit the night market tonight.  It's time to buy some white meat, and to pick up more salted fish for snacking.  I have a whole lot of bamboo shoots in my cooler, so I'm planning to cook up some chicken stew soon.  I just use the bones for the stew, most of the meat I save for other purposes.  It's the bamboo shoots that are filling.  I've been making perfect tortillas lately, and they are so good, I can't seem to get enough of them.  Praise Allah!  My Dad gave me a whole bunch of canned sardines, so I've been jazzing up the sauce.  You know how sardines come soaking in a tomato sauce, which is never enough, and never powerful enough, so I spike up the sauce to go with my bread.  I'm somehow missing my rolling pin,  Which is odd, because why would I ever want, or have a reason, to take it out of my kitchen?  I told my Mom this, and she said, "Maybe a rat took it."  So in lieu of a rolling pin, I've been using a drumstick instead.  It works quite well, once I got used to it.