Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hot and drowsy

Oh, I'm soooo sleepy.  It's just that time of the day.  I'm certainly more productive at night, but I can't do yard work at night.  Thank God!  I definitely enjoy sitting in front of a computer more, but yard work is healthier for me and others.  If only my yard had air conditioning.  How are you feeling today, my darling?  I hope you are feeling great.  I love you.

Natty, it's almost time for your birthday.  I do have something prepared for you, but I don't have money so please forgive me for the free-ness of my gift.  Rather, to buy you a bauble would simpler and quicker.  To be honest with you, I don't know exactly when your birthday is, so please forgive me if I'm off in my birthday greeting.

Pina, I'm so happy to see your spending more time in Milan!  I hope they appreciate you and treat you well.


Qur'an 20170710

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

18.  And if you reject, so did generations before you.  And the duty of the messenger is only to preach publicly.

19.  See they not how Allah originates creation, then repeats it: truly that is easy for Allah.

20.  Say, "Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation, so will Allah produce a later creation, for Allah has power over all things."

The Spider  29:18-20