Saturday, February 13, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160214

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Beloved.  Hi Sweetie!  Are you having a great day?  I'm just kicking back right now, watching TV.  It's an episode of "Daria": "The Lost Girls".  I'd share it with you, but MTV won't let me embed it.  It was their exclusive cartoon, back when they had music videos.  But I gave up on MTV back in 1986.

I'm in the process of setting up vocals for recording.  One year ago, I didn't even have a pair of headphones, but this time I should do much better.  You probably haven't come across Shadowplay material on the Internet, but I'll give you a hint: CD Baby.  Keep in mind that they haven't given me a penny.  I have been working on a new cd/album.  I actually started it in 2007, then I lost my home and stuff like that.  But I was able to save the music, the most important being the last drum tracks I did.  The album is called "Woo Hoo".  When I was younger, I would put all my time into finishing albums.  I'm sure I would eventually get back to that attitude, but right now I'm taking my time.  "Woo Hoo" is a dark album anyway, and if you connect with the concept of music being the soul of the composer (like in the movie "Amadeus") then you would understand that I'm really cautious about the music manifesting into reality.  It's inspired by the Qur'an.  It's a story based on the curse of Allah on those who impose interest and slavery.  It's actually one song away from being done: I just need to do the last song, all the vocals, plus I promised an old friend to put down piano tracks.  Hey, anything to slow it down, huh?  I don't think I will ever trust a record company with the music again.  I'm just going to set up a stall by the side of the road, and sell cds like a fruit seller or burger vendor.  I'll probably make more money that way, and reach more people.  I should probably get my ass in gear and start putting down all this music in my head on cd, but I don't have all the equipment I need.  Ya Allah, please grant me all the computer and musical equipment I desire.

There are other important items on my agenda, of course.  Like marrying you.  Oh, how involved that is, huh?  But I do love you.  I sincerely love you.  And I need you.