Friday, November 30, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121201

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Whoops!  I had to take Bat Cat back to the vet because he kept getting the runs, and was becoming so dehydrated that his eyes have sunk in.  Poor little Batty Watty!  So I couldn't blog my love for you Thursday, but I posted the letter today so you can read it if you want.  Please forgive me?  I love you!

I meant what I said a some time ago about your coming on stage with me when I perform public concerts, insyaAllah.  This is because I would rather they look at you instead of me.  This is because my voice doesn't match my body, and I'm sure the people would want to believe that you are doing the singing instead of me, because you are beautiful.  Plus my voice is very sensitive to motion, so I can't do a lot of dancing and jumping around.  Essentially it's another modeling job, because your microphone wouldn't be plugged in, but you would be lip syncing (to the best of your ability, of course), while wearing pretty clothes and pointing at the crowd.  Oh don't worry, I'll be on stage with you, but you would be in the spotlight, while I'll be lit by an oil lamp or something, while sitting on a recliner (or better yet, a massage chair) watching Shadowplay TV.  OK OK, a bar stool.  I'm sure having to change outfits all the time would be stressful, so we could even probably hire a few of your half-naked friends.  They can't be half-naked at the show, though: this is an Islamic situation.  How do they live daily lives, going around half-naked like that?  Don't they get embarrassed when they go grocery shopping?  Wouldn't those wings push cans and boxes off the shelves?  I'm sure you don't do that, and that you are modest.  Because you are MY girl.

Don't you and your bosses forget that the locals here have little to no interest in dressing chic, so any fashion business should be focused on the visitor, and that the situation is Muslim.  The attraction and mass media is global however, and the location is East meets West.  The center of attraction should be a closed environment like a building,  a concert hall/mall (perhaps Dewan 2020) where both business and audience can be controlled, and where businesses can range from apparel to hospitality.  It is ludicrous to gig daily in such a situation: once or twice a week should be more than enough, and the concerts should be marketed as part of a vacation package.  On the other days, I should just stay at home and voice train, and make love to my sweetie.  I may joke a little to make you smile, but please take my inspiration and ideas regarding this matter seriously as well as our well-being, because my time on earth is short, and I am already old.

Certainly there is much secret plotting and planning going on, considering the scale of events that have occurred.  Allah has been my only friend anyway throughout the years, so I put my trust in Allah, to keep the evil ones in check by some complex disaster that will strike them from a direction they did not perceive at a time when they are unaware, like when they taunt God for not punishing them for their words.  This is because Allah is always with them.  And Allah is always with us, my love.  So please pray with me that Allah will bring us together in happiness, success and security soon.

Letter to Julia 20121129

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beloved Julia.  And how are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  I'm sorry for being so businesslike yesterday.  I do love you so, my precious Julia, and I want you to feel loved at all times, for you are MY girl, and I cherish you so.  But yeah, this is a family business, so it's just as important that you understand my work as it is for me to aid your work, as it is ours.  Music can be an uncontrollable monster.  Do you remember the Beatles?  Ya Allah, please help and protect Julia and I, and our family business.