Friday, June 2, 2017

The Cat That Opens Doors

Yeah, Floofy has learned how to open my bedroom door.  She jumps up onto the door handle and hangs on, while her hind legs provide momentum to push the door open.  Imagine my dismay one day when I came home to find Doutzen the naughty kitty peeking out of my bedroom.  I was relieved to find no evidence of pee in there.  However there happens to be a locking latch inside the room, so Floofy can't open the door while I'm inside.  Ha!  Gotcha!  Go ahead and meow all you want, you're not getting in!

In other cat news, I steamed a fish for the predawn meal!  Yea, I bought a big old scad a couple of days ago, and took off the head and tail.  It wasn't the biggest scad at the market, but big enough to make a full meal for me.  I had some baby coconut meat left over from making baby coconut juice for my Mom, so I had blended that into a mulch.  Then I mixed in some Siamese hot sour soup mix (Tom Yam) and anchovy bouillon, then stuffed and rubbed the fish with it.  I had harvested a couple of whole basil plants and washed them thoroughly, then placed the basil in the hot steamer, and separated the basil from the fish with a grille.  No side dishes.  Just the fish, ma'am.  Delicious!  Alhamdulillah.

Natty, you always get me with those bedroom eyes.