Saturday, July 7, 2018

Pepper steak with steamed rice

Hi Honey.  How are you, my love?  I long to be with you, because I love you.  A lot of money would definitely speed up our marriage.  But I am the last to be paid for what I do, and I cannot ask the humans to give me money.  Because I cannot serve the humans, because I serve Allah.  The humans would pay me for working for them, we would marry, then they would separate us. 

There are some banana trees growing right in front of my front door.  I don't eat these bananas: I planted them there years ago for my mother.  Sometimes there are too many bananas, so she has me give them away to the neighbors.  Like today, I harvested a bunch of bananas to give the neighbor, then cut down the tree because it's useless after bearing one bunch of bananas.  I was bending over to remove the tree, when I was attacked by a swarm of mud wasps that had been nesting in the tree.  Those things hurt!  It's a good thing that rubbing alcohol has an immediate effect on mud wasp stings.  The moral of the story is that since the music generates revenue for the community and I don't ask to be paid, some people regard that I remain a slave and do what they please because they think that I belong to the people.  But I don't belong to the people.  I belong to Allah.

Hi Natty Honey!  Are you excited?  Well relax Honey, and take your time.  Are you hungry?  For dinner I made pepper steak with steamed rice.  Andre showed me this recipe.  He played guitar for Shadowplay, he died in 2002.  I had some steak in my freezer, and it's a good day to make pepper steak.  The peppers (called chillies here) are more sweet than hot, like red bell peppers with some heat.  I cooked the steak separately from the onions and peppers.  You can't overcook the veggies, because they need to have some crunch to them.  So cook the meat apart from the veggies, then mix them together later.  I enjoy steamed rice the Western way, which is rice and one entree, like you would buy at a Western Chinese restaurant.  The locals here enjoy their white rice with several entrees.  They call it "nasi campur" ("rice mixed" is the literal translation).  You want some?  Sweet!  And hot.