Saturday, December 24, 2016

Equal time

The husband must pay for the wife and kids.  He must be fair but liberal towards his wives.  I must give each wife her own house.  My plan is to have the 3 houses and my studio all next to each other, work at my studio and tend to the garden and crops during the day, alternate every night with one of my wives, and visit all my wives every day, and always be in physical reach 24/7.  I must liberal in terms of births, deaths, and illness just as I expect my wives to be liberal with each other.  The newlywed gets 3 nights in a row.  We vacation once a year, assuming we can afford it.  I don't care where we go, but we all go there together.  I will have to go do my Hajj when the time comes and leave you all by yourselves for 2 weeks, unless you get to follow me and join me in worship to Allah.

It is impossible to be precisely fair with all my wives.  Just as it is impossible for each house to have exactly the same amount of land.  The best that I can do is to struggle for equal time, and you have to be lenient with me in terms of property.  After all, right now I can't afford to have any wives.  But the husband must pay for the wives.  Do you think THAT is fair?  Yes, it is fair.

A photo of my fried noodles about to leave the wok.  I ate the whole wok by myself, half for lunch and the other half after voice training.