Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120314

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Isn't Doris Day just an awesome singer? Well, when she was young. She was truly a great singer, a very versatile singer. She could whisper like Karen Carpenter, then pierce like a bullet the way Janis Joplin did. Do you agree with me that she was beautiful, too? It's very rare that a great female singer be physically beautiful. After all, a singing voice of sorrow and suffering, a voice that is considered beautiful, could only come from an ugly woman. But sorrow and suffering was not her trademark, rather Doris is a survivor. And a movie star. Her life was like a movie. And she was able to bear a child, another rarity for a great singer. Her son Terry was a record producer, and was the target for Charles Manson when he rejected Manson's music. Do you know Charles Manson? He was a cultist serial killer who dropped by Terry's house one night to kill him, but Terry wasn't home, so he killed everyone else there instead. I hope I got the story right, Doris!

Anyway, I'm sizing up this little house for renovations. Ya Allah, please bless our home! I do so prefer small houses Julia, and I love this humble little home. I'm planning for a (comparatively) spacious master bedroom, with an office for me, and an entire room for your wardrobe/office, with your own bathroom, and washer/dryer. Clean your own bathroom, Julia! There will be 2 smaller bedrooms for the kids... how many kids are you planning to have, dearest? Hopefully, the kids won't take up our offices. The kitchen will be combined with the dining room. The living room would be rather small, for you to receive your friends, because I don't have any friends: you're not planning on having huge indoor parties, are you? Any partying will have to be done in the garden, my love. No need for extravagance, my dearest! We will have very little privacy because of who we are, so let's be together all the time, shall we? When I get the money, I will get started, and I will update you on the progress as time goes by. InsyaAllah! Please be patient, and pray!