Monday, September 10, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120911

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello my love, Julia.  Are you hungry?  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are not working too hard, and taking things easy.

Ah, flat noodles!  Here it's called "keow teow", not necessarily pronounced the way it's spelled.  The problem with flat rice noodles is that it's so fragile!  It needs to be pre-separated, it breaks easily, it bloats easily, and it mulches into a clumpy mess way too easily.  Of course you know all this, but with your gentle and intelligent fingers, you can overcome the physical setbacks of keow teow.  My problem with keow teow is that I only like it within one context or recipe: the fried combination of cockles, keow teow, egg, and bean sprouts.  And that's what I cooked for dinner tonight.  I seek the perfect blend of all said ingredients!  The fond was too complicated, but I came close to the perfect blend, except that it needed heat, or hot pepper sauce somewhere in the process.  You want to try it?  Remember, cockles and bean sprouts rule this combo!  I stuffed myself silly, and put your portion in the cooler.  Yeah, I always cook for you, Julia!  If you happen to spy on my kitchen when I'm cooking, you will know that I always cook for you.  Then I realize I'm alone, so I eat your portion as leftovers.

You Julia, my wife, are truly a blessing from Allah, and I love you with all my heart.  And to all who believe in God, that is how you must view your wife, as a blessing.