Sunday, March 31, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130401

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Well, the swelling has gone down on Batty's paw, and the wound smells clean (no smell).  Also, he has a lot of energy and a hearty appetite, even though he has a bad limp.  So I decided to do some Internet work instead of going to the vet.  InshaAllah, he will be back to full strength soon. Meanwhile, he stays in his cage.

And how are you, my love?  Please be patient with others.  That comes with being Mrs. Global, I suppose.  Please pray that some of that money flying around us lands in my lap soon, so I can help build Casa de Julia.  Don't forget that you have walked through the door into a spiritual reality with me, with purpose high above the greed and crude matter that permeates the agendas of others.  Glory to Allah Who has guided us to the right path, and made us righteous.