Thursday, February 22, 2018

Nothing much going on today...

Hi Honey!  How are you today, my beloved?  You are the light of my life, I love you and I would wait for you forever.  All the while I work towards you, all alone but what else is there to do than to love you?  I'm sorry I was all business yesterday.  How's work, by the way?  I'm sure everybody has their money on you.  Nothing much going on here today, just the usual chores.  It keeps me busy though.  I haven't done any yard work in a week since I cut down that tree, so I better cut the grass tomorrow inshaAllah.  I do prefer working indoors, though.  I'm so lazy!

Hey Natty honey!  How is school?  I hope you are studying hard and will become an A student.  That is something that I cannot do- I spent my youth going straight to work.  So please do me proud and do well at school.