Monday, June 25, 2018

Express yourself

Hi Honey.  I hope you are feeling great, and work is easy for you.  It's been an intense year for you so far, and you've seen past the haze as to where in the world you stand.  Yeah big business is scary, but the alternate is scary too.  To be unnoticed, to be walked over.  So please express yourself, don't keep your feelings and perspective bottled up inside, especially if it can make the world a better place, because you definitely have the influence to do so.  You are beautiful, and you are a beautiful person, and I love you with all of my heart.  My cat Floofy got constipated again today.  I had determined that it was the solid cat food that did it to her, so I cut it out of her diet.  But rice and wet cat food gave her diarrhea, so I added a little crushed solid cat food to the mix to temper her tummy.  But she got constipated again today.  I couldn't even get the enema in her, because the poop blocked her butthole, and ended up blocking the nozzle of the enema.  So I thought to give her a little time, since it looked like it was about to come out eventually, and did my chores to pass the time.  But the poop didn't come out, so I put on a latex glove and pulled it out, the cat growling and snarling away.  At least I could get the enema in now, so I gave her a few hours before I administered the enema, with the cat growling and snarling away.  I was blessed not to get mauled.  But she was able to pass the entire blockage and boy, it was a mess I tell you.  The experience made her throw up her breakfast.  So sensitive.  So no more mixing in crushed cat food pellets to temper her stomach.  We'll have to go with the diarrhea, and hope her body adapts to it.

You too Natty, don't be afraid to express yourself.  Don't keep your feelings bottled up.  I know you dislike people talking about you, whether it be positive or whatever, but the worst they can do to you is to shut you up.  Yeah, big business is scary.  But being intimidated into silence is not a blessing.  So please do not be afraid to use your Instagram regularly.  I am with you.  I will always be with you inshaAllah.  I will take care of you inshaAllah.