Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150625

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Precious!  Keeping busy?  I try to keep busy during Ramadan, and avoid being a vegetable all month even though I have the ardent desire to just lie in one place and bloat.  So much for desire.  So I cut the grass over at your house inshaAllah.  If you have observed the foundation of the old house there, you would notice that there is a giant tree growing on the roof.  The tree is actually rooted into the ground, and growing over a bathroom.  It's going to take some work and I have a lot of other stuff to do, but I think I can get most of that tree down by myself inshaAllah.  I do have an idea, though: if the root can be killed off somehow and the top of the tree chopped off, that root system could make a cool decoration, because some of those roots are inside the house as well.  Kind of like a Hobbit house.  But we can paint those roots pink.

I've been looking for games for my cell phone.  There's a lot of stuff out there, and I don't want to install and uninstall over and over again.  What kind of games do you like?  Aw come on, there must be some video games you like.  A basketball game?  Oh.

Well, I pray you getting plenty of rest.  My schedule is shifted around somewhat, but I do so enjoy the fasting month.  My body is getting used to the fasting, and I've regained my strength inshaAllah.  But I'm still so very lazy.  **yawn** I have chili for breaking fast today.  Quick and easy.  I'd invite you over, but it's just chili.  Erin, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  I love you, and I need you.