Thursday, January 31, 2019

Using up the dough

Hi there, beautiful Natty!  How's the life of a supermodel today, pinup girl?  I suppose it takes one to know one.  But I don't want to be as jet set as you because I've already done much time doing travel, and now my feet are tired.  Travel is for the young, I say.  I'm quite satisfied being a tree.  How's the weather?  Is it cold?  It was hot here today, but not unbearable.  The weather was comfortable enough for me to be able to nap on my bed/floor before voice training today.  Otherwise, just the usual going on today.  The menu was the height of activity for me.  I don't want to start spending again until next month (tomorrow), and the last time I went shopping was quite wasteful and I'm not pleased with that.  So I managed not to spend any money today.  All I had to do was use up the dough that's in my cooler.  So lunch was tortillas, rolled up with chili, egg, Chinese cabbage, onion and salted radish.  Weird?  Not at all.  Totally easy on the tummy.  Rather, I'm constipated.  For dinner, I made a pizza with eggplant, garlic and beef.  I sauteed the toppings before putting them on the pizza bread, and used "sambal tumis" (blended chillies, onions, and "belacan" (fermented shrimp) fried in oil until saturated) as pizza sauce.  Weird?  Not at all.  The downer was that I only had sliced cheese but hey, it's the cheapest.  Don't worry my love, for you I will use mozzarella.