Sunday, November 1, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151102

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

The show never ends on Shadowplay TV!  Subhanallah!  But seriously people, it's just another ordinary day.  It's all the same old day, then comes Judgement Day.  Erin you are my girl, so keep in mind that the show goes on where you are, too!  This is why your bosses love you so much.  I love you too, and I need you.

I don't ever want to go through another puppy crisis like that ever again.  That hurt my chest, and it still hurts today.  So I distract myself with some good eats.  I seem to have a lot of filet mignon right now.  It's not caviar, but it's the best.  I marinade my beef the same way every time: sugar, pepper, and soy sauce.  I like to pan fry it in butter until rare, then shut the fire off, cover it up and let it sit.  My Mom gave me a loaf of french bread and some store bought fish curry.  There was a mackerel in the curry.  Say, if I mix the fish in with the steak, then I would have Filet O'Fish Mignon!  Ahahahahahaha... nah.  I gave the fish to the cats.  Then I used the broth to season my potatoes.  I also used cilantro, ground cilantro seed, onion, pepper, and a kind of squarish local string bean called a "kelisa", which add a lettuce-like flavor to the potatoes.  If you slice it, then the slices look like Tie Fighters.  It's an awesome dinner, praise be to Allah, with plenty left over.  Some for you!  Otherwise, I'll have it for lunch tomorrow with a tortilla.

Oh, I'm supposed to talk about Bob Crane's murder in 1978.  Maybe tomorrow.