Monday, November 18, 2019


Hi Natty!  Are you doing OK, Sweetheart?  I figure that hordes of those bloodsucking varmints breeding in the swamp and grass would have no hesitation in covering your beautiful body and perfect skin with welts.  Where did they bite you?  You can't really blame them, it's the nature of the beast.  If I were them, I would bite you too.  Many times.  If I were not them, I would bite you too.  I'm sure it was fun and all, but you should keep in mind that you are a beautiful supermodel, and you should protect your precious body.  In our business, we must take care of our bodies because we need our bodies to work.  I don't do yard work during or right after it rains, I don't want to get sick.  Mosquitoes are very dangerous.  When you live in the tropics, or anywhere for that matter, you must do whatever it takes to get rid of them.  My parents prefer the bug spray, but I have to go with the cheapest way to go: mosquito incense.  Very effective in stuffy rooms.  It doesn't smell as sweet as some of those other incense, but it does hide scents while also doing its job.
The school holidays will begin this weekend the 23rd of November, one day earlier in some states, which means that it's tourist season again.  I have a feeling that some of the kids are already here.  They will be here until the New Year, which is over a month long.  During the 2 hours everyday when Mary Unknown7 sings, they will be quiet inshaAllah.  But during the other times, they will need things to do.  I urge the local authorities to make sure they have interesting things to do.  We don't want them to cross the border looking for drugs and hookers, do we?  How about a month-long singing competition instead?  An INTERNATIONAL singing competition?  Stream it everyday on YouTube?