Hi Natty! How are you Honey? All nice and relaxed? Oh please don't worry, I love you with all my heart. If you're thinking about our business, then it's all about learning how to relax. You can help me out if you can. I love Elizabeth Fraser, I think she's one of the most beautiful voices ever. But I can't understand what she's saying, so I never made Mary sing any of her songs. Now Mary wants to sing "Frou-frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires" and "Lorelei" even though she doesn't understand what Elizabeth is saying either. So she told me to figure it out, and if I couldn't figure out what the words are then I must make them up. What a bully! I don't think I can do it though. There are lyrics on Google, but it's so weird that I don't think the person who posted those lyrics knows what Elizabeth is saying either. It's as if those lyrics were transcribed by a Mexican into Spanglish. I don't idolize people and I don't ever want to be idolized so I've never given much of a shit to ever meeting any of my music influences. But I would love to meet Elizabeth Fraser so I can ask for the lyrics to her songs. I'm thinking she makes them vague on purpose so no one can karaoke her. Can you figure the words out, Natty? Sigh!
Dear Elizabeth Fraser, can I please have the lyrics to "Frou-frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires" and "Lorelei"?