Monday, June 22, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150623

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Erin, my beloved.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling great, for I miss you so.  Ah, I want to be married to you.  It started off kind of sluggish for me today, so I didn't do much in the morning except take my Dad's motorcycle to the car wash.  I had to grind through voice training.  Let me repeat myself that singing WELL for 2 hours straight while fasting is very difficult.  I just wanted to sleep after the Asr prayer, but I shook it off and cut grass instead.  EEEAAARRRGGGHHH!!!  Fight!  Fight!  Fight!  But it's usually smooth sailing after the Asr prayer.

I just got done preparing dinner, and now I'm just waiting to break my fast.  This evening it's fried rice.  I make an OK fried rice, inshaAllah.  Not very often because I don't eat rice all that often.  Today it's rice and garlic, onions, bamboo shoots, chives, cilantro, salt radish, dried onion, egg, crab to be eaten with my Mom's rendang (beef in a lemongrass fry), and hot pepper sauce.  Well, I haven't eaten it yet.  I'm still waiting to break fast.  I went to the crossroads to buy a drink.  There's always a gang of merchants there in the evening during fasting month.  Would you care to join me for dinner?  I love you, and I need you.