Natty, you're so pretty! I love you so much! That's a pretty bag, too. Your clothes are beautiful, too. Did they give you that truck? You're definitely not a painted lady, my precious Natty. You are a natural girl.
Check out the video above. It's the end of the world, for sure! People walking around naked in public just like the caveman days. You can blame tights/leggings/yoga pants for the public oblivion in this case. Would you be able to be a guy and walk around in public wearing nothing but body paint? That would be impossible for people not to notice, unless he covered his willie with a bag or something. Even then... no, only a woman can pull such a stunt off. A modern woman in the guise of modern clothes. Which makes the video above not only lewd, but sexist!
There have been many attacks on Mary Unknown7's avatar lately. What's the big deal? Get your own painted lady, people!