Friday, April 7, 2023

Japanese schoolgirls


Hi Natty!  How are you, Honey?  I hope you are feeling great, and having a marvelous time.  Please keep safe and healthy OK!  I'm doing OK over here.  I cut the grass this evening.  The grass always needs to be cut, even in dry weather it grows like mad.  Dinner is simple, just white rice with eggplant curry.  I finally got my Internet back to speed!  After 9 effing days!  So if you folks have been missing Mary's girlie pictures, I will start posting them again beginning tomorrow.  I have to get my routine back.  Internet has become a necessity for everyone!

Here are my picks from the Bevza SPRING 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection:

Here are my picks from the Bibhu Mohapatra SPRING 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection:

Here are my picks from the BITE Studios SPRING 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection: