Hi Dreamer Girl! How are you, Sweetheart? Please make sure you take care of your health and safety, and get lots of sleep. The dreams you get while you sleep are the most revealing and exciting, and so much fun to explore! All dreams are good, there is no such thing as a nightmare. Just realize that you have willpower and choice when you are in a dream.
Argh! I forgot that Bro is a male cat, and male cats can't consume salt! Kibble typically has a lot of salt in it, and is dangerous especially to male cats. So I had to go downtown to find an affordable deal on fish. Thus I did, right after the dawn prayer at 6:30 am, I went to the main market downtown to buy fish for Adolf Kitler. He does look somewhat like Adolf, don't you agree? But his moustache is lopsided. There are other cats on the Internet that have more accurate markings. Bro is an "almost".