Friday, February 1, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130202

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Ah Julia, my heart.  It's been such a long time, my dearest heart.  How could I not be in deepest love with you, after all these years of such dedication.  And it spins on and over again, for I have chosen to love you, I have chosen you.  For you are my heart, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, layers and layers above all the beauty I have perceived, the first snowfall, the piercing brightness of the full moon, the parade of orange striped clouds marching towards a humid sunset.  All I have to offer you my love, are these words.  Until the time Allah grants me the means to give you a good married life, I watch you from my office chair, walking that distant runway.  I think about that time, when I get to get you, riding on that giant snake all the way there.  But it doesn't matter anymore, it's all too late.  I have given my life to you, and how could it be any other way?  Please pray for us, my dearest love, please ask Allah to have mercy on us.  I am your knight in armor of shadow, and you are my sweet, sweet love.