Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120404

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, beloved Julia. How are you feeling? I pray you are not overworking, and are eating properly and maintaining your prayers. I'm trying not to overwork, but I do seem to have a lot on my plate right now... I don't quite understand how I got so busy. Maybe it's just me: I need to be lazier, I suppose.

Ah, it's the right time for you to watch a James Bond movie! I'm sure you have seen all the Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig movies, being the young 'un that you are. But the best Bond movies are the ones that Ian Fleming wrote. No, I haven't seen all the Bond movies because I don't really like the George Lazenby and Timothy Dalton Bonds. Sure, we all love the high tech toys, but it's the intrigue that makes the best Bond movie. Also, the bad guy has to be someone you would love to hate, but the 2 007 movies I want you to watch right now, even though the villains aren't the worst, are "From Russia With Love" and "The Man With The Golden Gun".