Friday, April 5, 2019

Qur'an 20190406

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

194.  Verily those who you call upon besides Allah are servants like unto you.  Call upon them, and let them listen to your prayer, if you are truthful!

195.  Have they feet to walk with?  Or hands to lay hold with?  Or eyes to see with?  Or ears to hear with?  Say, "Call your 'god-partners', scheme against me, and give me no respite!"

196.  "For my protector is Allah, Who revealed the Book, and God will choose and befriend the righteous."

197.  "But those you call upon besides God are unable to help you, and indeed to help themselves."

The Heights 7:194-195

A baptism of sorts in high fashion

Hi Natty!  How's the glamorous life of a fabulous supermodel in exotic Bali today?  I didn't think your bosses would let pretty little you go to pretty Bali without taking pretty pictures of you wearing pretty clothes.  I have a vision of you somehow, swimming in the surf wearing high fashion.  THAT DRESS COSTS HOW MUCH?    So what's for dinner?  I'm having selected portions of the nugget part of the chicken coated in golden breadcrumbs fried until they acquire a nice crispy texture along with potatoes ingeniously carved into zigzag like patterns then lovingly cooked in hot oil by the fine people of France.  What?  Salmon sushi?  Caviar and cracked crab?  No thanks, I'll just eat my chicken nuggets and fries.  Since you are in Bali, then you shouldn't eat salmon.  The local catch is better.  Spanish mackerel or red snapper is much tastier.  Fresher, too.