Monday, December 2, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131202

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, my beautiful precious Julia.  It's raining right now, but I'm only partially drenched.  I bought some shrimp last night at the night market.  I plan to pulverize it with garlic, lemongrass, and onion into a stuffing.  My Dad bought me one of those large Scads, so I'll be grilling a fish tomorrow, and I won't be in to blog perhaps.  Grilling anything is such an involved project.  I also bought some wonton skins for my shrimp stuffing.  Wanna join me for munchies?  How about you, Erin?  Julia, I hope you haven't been trying to make friends with people who wish to harm you.  Please don't do that.  Stay in your own territory.  Come to me.  I love you, and will embrace you.  I will help to protect you.  InshaAllah.  Allah is the Best to protect.  Please do not annoy God by making friends with people who wish to harm you.

Hey Erin, you gorgeous thing you!  How are you feeling, Gorgeous?  I'm watching the VS fashion show backstage right now.  Oh, you are so beautiful!  Is that natural beauty?  Wow!  The fashion show hasn't hit the Web yet, so I haven't seen it.  I can't wait to see you in your awesome outfits.  Oh, the anticipation!  I love you, Erin.