Friday, June 26, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150627

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin Sweetie!  How are you feeling today?  I want you to keep yourself healthy and fit, and no more plastic surgery because you don't need it.  You are so beautiful.  Even though it's lonely at the top, please know that I have promised to marry you, and I will keep my promise inshaAllah.  You can always call me whenever you want, you know where I am.  I call you everyday.  Because I love you, and I need you.

------- is such a greedy girl.  If she's not sleeping, then she wants something.  I tell her that I don't want her to bloat like her mother, but that just makes her more aggressive.  It must be all that energy she has: she's always bouncing off the walls.  Hey, clawing me is not going to speed up feeding time!  4 o'clock!

"Everybody gets lonely," someone once told me.  I'm watching this documentary about Real Doll right now, I think it might entertain you.  At the very least, it will creep you out.  Who gets real love?  Truly a blessing, isn't it?  It's a sacred thing, really.  No, I don't have a Real Doll.  Sheesh.