Tuesday, May 2, 2017


I hope you are finding something worthwhile to occupy your time when you are bored without putting yourself in danger, Erin.  I know you are intelligent, but if you get bored that just tells me that you are not using your intelligence.  I'm sorry to nag you, but it upsets me that you do dangerous things because you are bored.  You are a Queen, so please treat yourself as precious.  As precious as I regard you.

Are those really law books Natty?  Are you planning on becoming a lawyer?  I come from a family of lawyers, but I became a rock star instead.

Pina, I suppose I have to try to help you, but I'm going to have to think about what to do.  You have absolutely no advantage in NYC, and when I tried in the past to advise you to some sort of advantage, you threw it away.  Maybe you are thinking that you can help save the US economy or something by being in NYC.  I don't know.  (grumbles).

I swear that Floofy is becoming really aggressive about sharing my food.  I can't eat my meals in the same room with her anymore, she climbs all over me.  Dinner?  I didn't cook dinner today.  I ate out.  Fried noodles.  Sweet.

Hey, check out the VS Fashion Show 2001.  Check out Heidi Klum's attitude after that gross guy kissed her thigh and ate one of her thigh hairs.