Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120111

Ah, I finally got my grill replaced. My old grill disintegrated from too much exposure to the elements over 3 years. It was a cheap grill, anyway. So I bought another cheap grill. Hey, a new grill is easier than washing the old grill! Now kids, it's better for the environment that you take good care of your grill, so it will last you a lifetime of delicious barbecues. Don't be an idiot like some people who leave their grill out in the rain to disintegrate. Well, if it disintegrates into earth-like metallic crumbles, then doesn't that make it biodegradable? Maybe not. Anyway, I finally can grill up some hardtail or torpedo scad again. I found some extra large ones at the market which is great because the baby fish are kinda tasteless. Sure, it takes some skill and patience to grill a big fish, but if you do it right, it can taste exactly like thick crab meat, except that there's never enough real crab meat. My fish was only a half kilo, too. No rice here, just fish.

Then for dinner it was chicken and potato stew. Hey, there's a gorgeous full moon out tonight! I've been tagging chicken broth lately, which I do not recommend for the inexperienced cook to do. I seem to have a lot of chicken breast lately, so I've been experimenting with chicken broth, and chicken and potato stew. What is tagging chicken broth? Hee hee you're just going to have to kiss me to find out, Julia! Stew is stew, of course. Besides garlic and onion, I also throw in some curry leaves and super hot peppers that I have growing in my yard. It's very yummy and soothing. Want some?

I've been really getting into the Gong Show lately. It's probably the best talent show ever, and Chuck Barris is the best talent show host ever! What genius came up with show, where the losers are more entertaining than the winners? This show sure makes me humble. Google in their infinite wisdom has been keeping the video feed slow on Gong Show episodes, because they're smart enough to realize that it kicks American Idol's ass. So I hope you will be able to enjoy this clip I chose for you.

Qur'an 20120111

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1. Closer and closer to humans comes their reckoning, yet they heed not, and turn away.

2. Never comes to them of a renewed Message from their Lord, but they listen to it as a joke.

3. Their hearts toying as with trifles. The wrongdoers conceal their private counsels: "Is this more than a man like yourselves? Will you go to witchcraft with your eyes open?"

4. Say, "My Lord knows every word in the heavens and the earth. God is the One that Hears and Knows."

The Prophets 21:1-4

My Lord knows every word in the heavens and the earth. God is the One that Hears and Knows.