Saturday, August 17, 2024

Big fish


Hiya Grace!  What are you eating?  I'm having some potato chips right now, it's 5:25 am.  I'm always awake at this time, waiting for them to call the dawn prayer.  I stopped travel, so I am able to keep a solid routine.  Routine is rhythm for the heart, while Rock and Roll messes with the heart.  A Qur'an routine is not the same as other routines because Allah strengthens my heart.  Yes, your life has changed since Oxford.  You're still growing and learning, so all this positive change must be extremely fun for you.  Always be in tune with your heart and don't push it too hard, because damage is permanent.  Rock and Roll messes with the heart, even though it's lots of fun.  There's balance in everything: what lifts you up where you are weighs heavily somewhere else.  The advantage of your being my wife is that your husband bears the responsibility.  Please pray.

Hey check it out, Conan O'Brien replaced Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show.  Conan still looks the same since I started watching him 25 years ago or so, it makes me feel like this is a hoax.  But yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing you on the Tonight Show.  InshaAllah.  I didn't know Jimmy Fallon left the show.  It must be because some big fish lurking in the depths is making its moves.