Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130822

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia, my beloved.  How are you feeling today?  I love you, my beautiful Julia.  Please take good care of yourself.  I've been staying pretty much at home, and around the kampung.  I pruned the coconut trees on Casa de Julia inshaAllah, because they were blocking the sun to the ground.  There was a pit filled with coconuts.  It was dry weather, so I torched them.  It burned all night with a scent of coconuts, like incense.  Quite a sight to see.  I dug up some tapioca for my Mom that I planted a couple of years ago on Casa de Julia inshaAllah.  What a laborious task.  I suppose it's a flavor from my mother's childhood.  I'm kind of ambivalent about that food, but I know my grandfather was big on tapioca.  I suppose it's a food from his army days.  Whatever.

Lo and behold, there's a Bat Cat clone in my yard.  People are planting these cats at my house.  This version seems fat and pampered, and I was able to pick him up and show him to my parents without much of a fuss.  If he sticks around, what shall I name him?  Bat Cat Too?  Automated Backup Cat System?  Hey, I like that.  ABCs.