Saturday, July 25, 2020

White gown

Hi Natty!  How are you today?  Are you enjoying the ride on the carousel?  Please take care of your health, OK?  I had a nice day today.  I had to do some labor, but I didn't bitch to myself that much.  I cut the grass by the side of the road leading to the elementary school.  It's actually government property, but the government has never cut that grass.  Ever.  There were some saplings that I chopped off with the metal blade of the weed whacker, but the stumps are still there so I'm going to have to dig them up with a heavy headed hoe.  Yeah, I be da pimp!  No, it's not like that.  It's labor.  I used up the last of the curry pup fixings for dinner.  That stuff sure is handy: I fry up the curry pups after I finish cutting the grass, and while they cool I clean up, then I eat them like one would eat donuts (but they're savory) while I watch TV and wait for the sunset prayer.  After this, I have to do wardrobe with Mary Unknown7.  I also chose some new songs to add to her karaoke set.  It's mostly Lennon Sisters stuff.  The Lennon Sisters primarily sang covers, so if you were to hear Mary sing those songs, you might think of somebody else.  But the Lennon Sisters have a distinct aura which I want Mary to capture.  It's very "milk and cookies".  Or "white gown".  This one is probably the most difficult of the new songs: